Semantic vector graphics. Before use icons, you need to install @ant-design/icons
npm install --save @ant-design/icons
List of icons#
Directional Icons
- StepBackwardOutlined
- StepForwardOutlined
- FastBackwardOutlined
- FastForwardOutlined
- ShrinkOutlined
- ArrowsAltOutlined
- DownOutlined
- UpOutlined
- LeftOutlined
- RightOutlined
- CaretUpOutlined
- CaretDownOutlined
- CaretLeftOutlined
- CaretRightOutlined
- UpCircleOutlined
- DownCircleOutlined
- LeftCircleOutlined
- RightCircleOutlined
- DoubleRightOutlined
- DoubleLeftOutlined
- VerticalLeftOutlined
- VerticalRightOutlined
- VerticalAlignTopOutlined
- VerticalAlignMiddleOutlined
- VerticalAlignBottomOutlined
- ForwardOutlined
- BackwardOutlined
- RollbackOutlined
- EnterOutlined
- RetweetOutlined
- SwapOutlined
- SwapLeftOutlined
- SwapRightOutlined
- ArrowUpOutlined
- ArrowDownOutlined
- ArrowLeftOutlined
- ArrowRightOutlined
- PlayCircleOutlined
- UpSquareOutlined
- DownSquareOutlined
- LeftSquareOutlined
- RightSquareOutlined
- LoginOutlined
- LogoutOutlined
- MenuFoldOutlined
- MenuUnfoldOutlined
- BorderBottomOutlined
- BorderHorizontalOutlined
- BorderInnerOutlined
- BorderOuterOutlined
- BorderLeftOutlined
- BorderRightOutlined
- BorderTopOutlined
- BorderVerticleOutlined
- PicCenterOutlined
- PicLeftOutlined
- PicRightOutlined
- RadiusBottomleftOutlined
- RadiusBottomrightOutlined
- RadiusUpleftOutlined
- RadiusUprightOutlined
- FullscreenOutlined
- FullscreenExitOutlined
Suggested Icons
- QuestionOutlined
- QuestionCircleOutlined
- PlusOutlined
- PlusCircleOutlined
- PauseOutlined
- PauseCircleOutlined
- MinusOutlined
- MinusCircleOutlined
- PlusSquareOutlined
- MinusSquareOutlined
- InfoOutlined
- InfoCircleOutlined
- ExclamationOutlined
- ExclamationCircleOutlined
- CloseOutlined
- CloseCircleOutlined
- CloseSquareOutlined
- CheckOutlined
- CheckCircleOutlined
- CheckSquareOutlined
- ClockCircleOutlined
- WarningOutlined
- IssuesCloseOutlined
- StopOutlined
Editor Icons
- EditOutlined
- FormOutlined
- CopyOutlined
- ScissorOutlined
- DeleteOutlined
- SnippetsOutlined
- DiffOutlined
- HighlightOutlined
- AlignCenterOutlined
- AlignLeftOutlined
- AlignRightOutlined
- BgColorsOutlined
- BoldOutlined
- ItalicOutlined
- UnderlineOutlined
- StrikethroughOutlined
- RedoOutlined
- UndoOutlined
- ZoomInOutlined
- ZoomOutOutlined
- FontColorsOutlined
- FontSizeOutlined
- LineHeightOutlined
- DashOutlined
- SmallDashOutlined
- SortAscendingOutlined
- SortDescendingOutlined
- DragOutlined
- OrderedListOutlined
- UnorderedListOutlined
- RadiusSettingOutlined
- ColumnWidthOutlined
- ColumnHeightOutlined
Data Icons
- AreaChartOutlined
- PieChartOutlined
- BarChartOutlined
- DotChartOutlined
- LineChartOutlined
- RadarChartOutlined
- HeatMapOutlined
- FallOutlined
- RiseOutlined
- StockOutlined
- BoxPlotOutlined
- FundOutlined
- SlidersOutlined
Brand and Logos
- AndroidOutlined
- AppleOutlined
- WindowsOutlined
- IeOutlined
- ChromeOutlined
- GithubOutlined
- AliwangwangOutlined
- DingdingOutlined
- WeiboSquareOutlined
- WeiboCircleOutlined
- TaobaoCircleOutlined
- Html5Outlined
- WeiboOutlined
- TwitterOutlined
- WechatOutlined
- YoutubeOutlined
- AlipayCircleOutlined
- TaobaoOutlined
- SkypeOutlined
- QqOutlined
- MediumWorkmarkOutlined
- GitlabOutlined
- MediumOutlined
- LinkedinOutlined
- GooglePlusOutlined
- DropboxOutlined
- FacebookOutlined
- CodepenOutlined
- CodeSandboxOutlined
- AmazonOutlined
- GoogleOutlined
- CodepenCircleOutlined
- AlipayOutlined
- AntDesignOutlined
- AntCloudOutlined
- AliyunOutlined
- ZhihuOutlined
- SlackOutlined
- SlackSquareOutlined
- BehanceOutlined
- BehanceSquareOutlined
- DribbbleOutlined
- DribbbleSquareOutlined
- InstagramOutlined
- YuqueOutlined
- AlibabaOutlined
- YahooOutlined
- RedditOutlined
- SketchOutlined
- WhatsAppOutlined
- DingtalkOutlined
Application Icons
- AccountBookOutlined
- AimOutlined
- AlertOutlined
- ApartmentOutlined
- ApiOutlined
- AppstoreAddOutlined
- AppstoreOutlined
- AudioOutlined
- AudioMutedOutlined
- AuditOutlined
- BaiduOutlined
- BankOutlined
- BarcodeOutlined
- BarsOutlined
- BellOutlined
- BilibiliOutlined
- BlockOutlined
- BookOutlined
- BorderOutlined
- BorderlessTableOutlined
- BranchesOutlined
- BugOutlined
- BuildOutlined
- BulbOutlined
- CalculatorOutlined
- CalendarOutlined
- CameraOutlined
- CarOutlined
- CarryOutOutlined
- CiCircleOutlined
- CiOutlined
- ClearOutlined
- CloudDownloadOutlined
- CloudOutlined
- CloudServerOutlined
- CloudSyncOutlined
- CloudUploadOutlined
- ClusterOutlined
- CodeOutlined
- CoffeeOutlined
- CommentOutlined
- CompassOutlined
- CompressOutlined
- ConsoleSqlOutlined
- ContactsOutlined
- ContainerOutlined
- ControlOutlined
- CopyrightOutlined
- CreditCardOutlined
- CrownOutlined
- CustomerServiceOutlined
- DashboardOutlined
- DatabaseOutlined
- DeleteColumnOutlined
- DeleteRowOutlined
- DeliveredProcedureOutlined
- DeploymentUnitOutlined
- DesktopOutlined
- DisconnectOutlined
- DiscordOutlined
- DislikeOutlined
- DockerOutlined
- DollarCircleOutlined
- DollarOutlined
- DotNetOutlined
- DownloadOutlined
- EllipsisOutlined
- EnvironmentOutlined
- EuroCircleOutlined
- EuroOutlined
- ExceptionOutlined
- ExpandAltOutlined
- ExpandOutlined
- ExperimentOutlined
- ExportOutlined
- EyeOutlined
- EyeInvisibleOutlined
- FieldBinaryOutlined
- FieldNumberOutlined
- FieldStringOutlined
- FieldTimeOutlined
- FileAddOutlined
- FileDoneOutlined
- FileExcelOutlined
- FileExclamationOutlined
- FileOutlined
- FileGifOutlined
- FileImageOutlined
- FileJpgOutlined
- FileMarkdownOutlined
- FilePdfOutlined
- FilePptOutlined
- FileProtectOutlined
- FileSearchOutlined
- FileSyncOutlined
- FileTextOutlined
- FileUnknownOutlined
- FileWordOutlined
- FileZipOutlined
- FilterOutlined
- FireOutlined
- FlagOutlined
- FolderAddOutlined
- FolderOutlined
- FolderOpenOutlined
- FolderViewOutlined
- ForkOutlined
- FormatPainterOutlined
- FrownOutlined
- FunctionOutlined
- FundProjectionScreenOutlined
- FundViewOutlined
- FunnelPlotOutlined
- GatewayOutlined
- GifOutlined
- GiftOutlined
- GlobalOutlined
- GoldOutlined
- GroupOutlined
- HarmonyOSOutlined
- HddOutlined
- HeartOutlined
- HistoryOutlined
- HolderOutlined
- HomeOutlined
- HourglassOutlined
- IdcardOutlined
- ImportOutlined
- InboxOutlined
- InsertRowAboveOutlined
- InsertRowBelowOutlined
- InsertRowLeftOutlined
- InsertRowRightOutlined
- InsuranceOutlined
- InteractionOutlined
- JavaOutlined
- JavaScriptOutlined
- KeyOutlined
- KubernetesOutlined
- LaptopOutlined
- LayoutOutlined
- LikeOutlined
- LineOutlined
- LinkOutlined
- LinuxOutlined
- Loading3QuartersOutlined
- LoadingOutlined
- LockOutlined
- MacCommandOutlined
- MailOutlined
- ManOutlined
- MedicineBoxOutlined
- MehOutlined
- MenuOutlined
- MergeCellsOutlined
- MergeOutlined
- MessageOutlined
- MobileOutlined
- MoneyCollectOutlined
- MonitorOutlined
- MoonOutlined
- MoreOutlined
- MutedOutlined
- NodeCollapseOutlined
- NodeExpandOutlined
- NodeIndexOutlined
- NotificationOutlined
- NumberOutlined
- OneToOneOutlined
- OpenAIOutlined
- PaperClipOutlined
- PartitionOutlined
- PayCircleOutlined
- PercentageOutlined
- PhoneOutlined
- PictureOutlined
- PinterestOutlined
- PlaySquareOutlined
- PoundCircleOutlined
- PoundOutlined
- PoweroffOutlined
- PrinterOutlined
- ProductOutlined
- ProfileOutlined
- ProjectOutlined
- PropertySafetyOutlined
- PullRequestOutlined
- PushpinOutlined
- PythonOutlined
- QrcodeOutlined
- ReadOutlined
- ReconciliationOutlined
- RedEnvelopeOutlined
- ReloadOutlined
- RestOutlined
- RobotOutlined
- RocketOutlined
- RotateLeftOutlined
- RotateRightOutlined
- RubyOutlined
- SafetyCertificateOutlined
- SafetyOutlined
- SaveOutlined
- ScanOutlined
- ScheduleOutlined
- SearchOutlined
- SecurityScanOutlined
- SelectOutlined
- SendOutlined
- SettingOutlined
- ShakeOutlined
- ShareAltOutlined
- ShopOutlined
- ShoppingCartOutlined
- ShoppingOutlined
- SignatureOutlined
- SisternodeOutlined
- SkinOutlined
- SmileOutlined
- SolutionOutlined
- SoundOutlined
- SplitCellsOutlined
- SpotifyOutlined
- StarOutlined
- SubnodeOutlined
- SunOutlined
- SwitcherOutlined
- SyncOutlined
- TableOutlined
- TabletOutlined
- TagOutlined
- TagsOutlined
- TeamOutlined
- ThunderboltOutlined
- TikTokOutlined
- ToTopOutlined
- ToolOutlined
- TrademarkCircleOutlined
- TrademarkOutlined
- TransactionOutlined
- TranslationOutlined
- TrophyOutlined
- TruckOutlined
- TwitchOutlined
- UngroupOutlined
- UnlockOutlined
- UploadOutlined
- UsbOutlined
- UserAddOutlined
- UserDeleteOutlined
- UserOutlined
- UserSwitchOutlined
- UsergroupAddOutlined
- UsergroupDeleteOutlined
- VerifiedOutlined
- VideoCameraAddOutlined
- VideoCameraOutlined
- WalletOutlined
- WechatWorkOutlined
- WifiOutlined
- WomanOutlined
- XOutlined
import {
} from '@ant-design/icons';
import { Space } from 'antd';
import React from 'react';
const App: React.FC = () => (
<HomeOutlined />
<SettingFilled />
<SmileOutlined />
<SyncOutlined spin />
<SmileOutlined rotate={180} />
<LoadingOutlined />
export default App;
import Icon, { HomeOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons';
import type { CustomIconComponentProps } from '@ant-design/icons/lib/components/Icon';
import { Space } from 'antd';
import React from 'react';
const HeartSvg = () => (
<svg width="1em" height="1em" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024">
<path d="M923 283.6c-13.4-31.1-32.6-58.9-56.9-82.8-24.3-23.8-52.5-42.4-84-55.5-32.5-13.5-66.9-20.3-102.4-20.3-49.3 0-97.4 13.5-139.2 39-10 6.1-19.5 12.8-28.5 20.1-9-7.3-18.5-14-28.5-20.1-41.8-25.5-89.9-39-139.2-39-35.5 0-69.9 6.8-102.4 20.3-31.4 13-59.7 31.7-84 55.5-24.4 23.9-43.5 51.7-56.9 82.8-13.9 32.3-21 66.6-21 101.9 0 33.3 6.8 68 20.3 103.3 11.3 29.5 27.5 60.1 48.2 91 32.8 48.9 77.9 99.9 133.9 151.6 92.8 85.7 184.7 144.9 188.6 147.3l23.7 15.2c10.5 6.7 24 6.7 34.5 0l23.7-15.2c3.9-2.5 95.7-61.6 188.6-147.3 56-51.7 101.1-102.7 133.9-151.6 20.7-30.9 37-61.5 48.2-91 13.5-35.3 20.3-70 20.3-103.3 0.1-35.3-7-69.6-20.9-101.9z" />
const PandaSvg = () => (
<svg viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" width="1em" height="1em" fill="currentColor">
d="M99.096 315.634s-82.58-64.032-82.58-132.13c0-66.064 33.032-165.162 148.646-148.646 83.37 11.91 99.096 165.162 99.096 165.162l-165.162 115.614zM924.906 315.634s82.58-64.032 82.58-132.13c0-66.064-33.032-165.162-148.646-148.646-83.37 11.91-99.096 165.162-99.096 165.162l165.162 115.614z"
d="M1024 561.548c0 264.526-229.23 429.42-512.002 429.42S0 826.076 0 561.548 283.96 66.064 512.002 66.064 1024 297.022 1024 561.548z"
d="M330.324 842.126c0 82.096 81.34 148.646 181.678 148.646s181.678-66.55 181.678-148.646H330.324z"
d="M644.13 611.098C594.582 528.516 561.55 512 512.002 512c-49.548 0-82.58 16.516-132.13 99.096-42.488 70.814-78.73 211.264-49.548 247.742 66.064 82.58 165.162 33.032 181.678 33.032 16.516 0 115.614 49.548 181.678-33.032 29.18-36.476-7.064-176.93-49.55-247.74z"
d="M611.098 495.484c0-45.608 36.974-82.58 82.58-82.58 49.548 0 198.194 99.098 198.194 165.162s-79.934 144.904-148.646 99.096c-49.548-33.032-132.128-148.646-132.128-181.678zM412.904 495.484c0-45.608-36.974-82.58-82.58-82.58-49.548 0-198.194 99.098-198.194 165.162s79.934 144.904 148.646 99.096c49.548-33.032 132.128-148.646 132.128-181.678z"
d="M512.002 726.622c-30.06 0-115.614 5.668-115.614 33.032 0 49.638 105.484 85.24 115.614 82.58 10.128 2.66 115.614-32.944 115.614-82.58-0.002-27.366-85.556-33.032-115.614-33.032z"
d="M330.324 495.484m-33.032 0a33.032 33.032 0 1 0 66.064 0 33.032 33.032 0 1 0-66.064 0Z"
d="M693.678 495.484m-33.032 0a33.032 33.032 0 1 0 66.064 0 33.032 33.032 0 1 0-66.064 0Z"
const HeartIcon = (props: Partial<CustomIconComponentProps>) => (
<Icon component={HeartSvg} {...props} />
const PandaIcon = (props: Partial<CustomIconComponentProps>) => (
<Icon component={PandaSvg} {...props} />
const App: React.FC = () => (
<HeartIcon style={{ color: 'hotpink' }} />
<PandaIcon style={{ fontSize: '32px' }} />
<Icon component={HomeOutlined as React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<any>} />
<HomeOutlined />
export default App;
import { createFromIconfontCN } from '@ant-design/icons';
import { Space } from 'antd';
import React from 'react';
const IconFont = createFromIconfontCN({
scriptUrl: [
'//at.alicdn.com/t/font_1788044_0dwu4guekcwr.js', // icon-javascript, icon-java, icon-shoppingcart (overrided)
'//at.alicdn.com/t/font_1788592_a5xf2bdic3u.js', // icon-shoppingcart, icon-python
const App: React.FC = () => (
<IconFont type="icon-javascript" />
<IconFont type="icon-java" />
<IconFont type="icon-shoppingcart" />
<IconFont type="icon-python" />
export default App;
import { CheckCircleTwoTone, HeartTwoTone, SmileTwoTone } from '@ant-design/icons';
import { Space } from 'antd';
import React from 'react';
const App: React.FC = () => (
<SmileTwoTone />
<HeartTwoTone twoToneColor="#eb2f96" />
<CheckCircleTwoTone twoToneColor="#52c41a" />
export default App;
import { createFromIconfontCN } from '@ant-design/icons';
import { Space } from 'antd';
import React from 'react';
const IconFont = createFromIconfontCN({
scriptUrl: '//at.alicdn.com/t/font_8d5l8fzk5b87iudi.js',
const App: React.FC = () => (
<IconFont type="icon-tuichu" />
<IconFont type="icon-facebook" />
<IconFont type="icon-twitter" />
export default App;
Common Icon#
Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
className | The className of Icon | string | - | |
rotate | Rotate by n degrees (not working in IE9) | number | - | |
spin | Rotate icon with animation | boolean | false | |
style | The style properties of icon, like fontSize and color | CSSProperties | - | |
twoToneColor | Only supports the two-tone icon. Specify the primary color | string (hex color) | - |
We still have three different themes for icons, icon component name is the icon name suffixed by the theme name.
import { StarOutlined, StarFilled, StarTwoTone } from '@ant-design/icons';
<StarOutlined />
<StarFilled />
<StarTwoTone twoToneColor="#eb2f96" />
Custom Icon#
Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
component | The component used for the root node | ComponentType<CustomIconComponentProps> | - | |
rotate | Rotate degrees (not working in IE9) | number | - | |
spin | Rotate icon with animation | boolean | false | |
style | The style properties of icon, like fontSize and color | CSSProperties | - |
About SVG icons#
We introduced SVG icons in version 3.9.0
, replacing font icons. This has the following benefits:
Complete offline usage of icons, without dependency on a CDN-hosted font icon file (No more empty square during downloading and no need to deploy icon font files locally either!)
Much more display accuracy on lower-resolution screens
The ability to choose icon color
No need to change built-in icons with overriding styles by providing more props in component
More discussion of SVG icon reference at #10353.
⚠️ Given the extra bundle size caused by all SVG icons imported in 3.9.0, we will provide a new API to allow developers to import icons as needed, you can track #12011 for updates.
While you wait, you can use webpack plugin from the community to chunk the icon file.
The properties theme
, component
and twoToneColor
were added in 3.9.0
. The best practice is to pass the property theme
to every <Icon />
import { MessageOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons';
<MessageOutlined style={{ fontSize: '16px', color: '#08c' }} />;
All the icons will render to <svg>
. You can still set style
and className
for size and color of icons.
<Icon type="message" style={{ fontSize: '16px', color: '#08c' }} theme="outlined" />
Set TwoTone Color#
When using the two-tone icons, you can use the static methods getTwoToneColor()
and setTwoToneColor(colorString)
to specify the primary color.
import { getTwoToneColor, setTwoToneColor } from '@ant-design/icons';
getTwoToneColor(); // #eb2f96
Custom Font Icon#
We added a createFromIconfontCN
function to help developer use their own icons deployed at iconfont.cn in a convenient way.
This method is specified for iconfont.cn.
import { createFromIconfontCN } from '@ant-design/icons';
const MyIcon = createFromIconfontCN({
scriptUrl: '//at.alicdn.com/t/font_8d5l8fzk5b87iudi.js', // 在 iconfont.cn 上生成
ReactDOM.render(<MyIcon type="icon-example" />, mountedNode);
It creates a component that uses SVG sprites in essence.
The following options are available:
Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
extraCommonProps | Define extra properties to the component | { [key: string]: any } | {} | |
scriptUrl | The URL generated by iconfont.cn project. Support string[] after @ant-design/icons@4.1.0 | string | string[] | - |
The property scriptUrl
should be set to import the SVG sprite symbols.
See iconfont.cn documents to learn about how to generate scriptUrl
Custom SVG Icon#
You can import SVG icon as a react component by using webpack
and @svgr/webpack
. @svgr/webpack
's options
// webpack.config.js
test: /\.svg(\?v=\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?$/,
use: [
loader: 'babel-loader',
loader: '@svgr/webpack',
options: {
babel: false,
icon: true,
import Icon from '@ant-design/icons';
import MessageSvg from 'path/to/message.svg'; // path to your '*.svg' file.
// in create-react-app:
// import { ReactComponent as MessageSvg } from 'path/to/message.svg';
ReactDOM.render(<Icon component={MessageSvg} />, mountNode);
The following properties are available for the component:
Property | Description | Type | Readonly | Version |
className | The computed class name of the svg element | string | - | |
fill | Define the color used to paint the svg element | string | currentColor | |
height | The height of the svg element | string | number | 1em | |
style | The computed style of the svg element | CSSProperties | - | |
width | The width of the svg element | string | number | 1em |